Why I Don't Start Mobile App Marketing Way Before Launch

What is the best thing you can do with your product?

Source: peerbits-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com

The reason for this is because most people don't know what they want to do with their product . Most people don't know, and that's a problem. The reason is because most people don't know what to do with their product. They just want to make it as good as possible so they can sell it and make money off of it, but that doesn't work if nobody knows about it.

You need something more than just "I made this" in order for people to care. How are you going to get them interested if they have no idea what your product does or why they should buy from you specifically? Tell them! Give them a reason, give them some kind of story behind your creation that makes sense for the audience you're trying to reach.

It's a terrible feeling when you find out that your product is not being used like it should be. The reason is because most people don't know what to do with their product and they just sit on it.

You need to change the way you are marketing your product so that more people see it and can use it. There are many different ways to market a product , but one of the best ways we found was using social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook where there are millions of consumers waiting for content.

They can change the features, colors, or even the name of their app at any time

I'll be the first to admit, I am a bit of an app junkie . When I hear about a new app, it is not long before I have downloaded and installed it on my phone. One thing that has always struck me as odd is how often developers make changes to their apps without telling you.

They can change the features, colors, or even the name of their app at any time with no warning. This means that if your favorite feature gets removed in one update and you don't find out until two updates later, then tough luck! The developer may never bring it back like they promised because they are doing something different now so who knows? It's frustrating when this happens.

Many people think of an app as a one-time project, but the truth is that apps are living and breathing entities. They can change the features, colors, or even the name of their app at any time. This means that if you're looking to create an app for your business , it's important to have someone who will be able to maintain and update your app as needed so that customers don't get frustrated with bugs and glitches in the system.

I like to get feedback from my customers and make changes before launch

Source: uservoice.com

"I like to get feedback from my customers and make changes before launch. I have an ongoing beta program with a few of you who are willing to help me test out new features before they go live for the rest of our users."

"In addition, every update includes fixes for bugs that were reported by our community in the past weeks. We're always looking for feedback on how we can improve so please let us know what you think!"

It makes for a better marketing campaign if you wait until the final product ready

Ever since the first recorded marketing campaign in 1887 , marketers have been using anticipation to generate excitement for their product. This technique has proven to be successful time and again, with some of the most iconic products in history (such as Coca-Cola) using this strategy.

But what does a company do when they are waiting for their final product? Marketing campaigns will need to wait until the final version is out before they can use it as a platform for promoting their business - but that doesn't mean there isn't any work that needs to be done beforehand!

I've had a lot of experience with waiting for the final product. I can't tell you how many times I waited in anticipation, eager to get my hands on something new. The wait is always worth it because when you finally get your hands on that newest and greatest thing, there's this feeling of excitement and accomplishment that only comes from waiting.

So, what does this have to do with marketing? Well, if we're talking about software development or any other type of product development then the answer is everything! When people are eagerly anticipating something, they will talk about it more often than not. They will also be more likely to purchase at release time because they want their new toy now!


So, the moral of the story is that you need to get people interested in your product before they buy it. You have to tell them what it does and why they should buy from you specifically if they want something like yours.

It's just a matter of making sure people know about it so they can make informed decisions on how much money to spend or whether or not to purchase at all. What do you think? How are YOU going to get more sales?


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